Contact me

Would you like me to dream about your town? You can request a dream visit by leaving a comment on this page! Here's what you need to do. 

Copy and paste this form into the comment bar, fill in with your desired information, and post ^^

Mayor name: 
Town name:
Dream address: 
When you would like me to visit (Maybe in a few days time to give you time to update): 
Is there anything you would specifically like me to include about your town?:
Is there anything you would like me to not include in my post? (Anywhere under construction?):
Please bear in mind I can't visit everyone's towns on the same day! You might have to wait up to a week for me to post about your town, it's only because I'm busy. 

That's all you need to do! 

Please note, I will only visit your town once. If you would like me to visit multiple times, I will edit my original post to reflect the changes you have made to your town. Sorry about that.
Thank you ♥ 

Mayor Beth of Appleby 

DC 7200-2217-6467


  1. Mayor Ethan
    Dream Address:7500-2158-2503

    Reason to visit again: I have updated my town this update is my BIGGEST one yet, new villagers new extensions to the Kiki memorial, new paths and much more!

    1. Sorry to inform you, I am only doing one dream visit per town. If you would like me to visit your town again, I can edit my old post about Habitat and update it with a new visit. Sorry about that, but with everything else I have to do, I would rather make sure everyone has a visit, if they would like. -Beth

  2. Awwww update the old post but make sure it's on the front page 1st entry so visitors to the page see it please.

  3. I can't change the original post location, so it will stay in the same place, I'm sorry. I will add the link to the main blog though.

  4. I would like you to please revisit my town now. I have added many new things that I would like you to see. Thank you! -Tristan from Big city.

  5. Maybe you should visit Lion Town!

    1. I would, but I always ask for peoples permission before visiting XD -Beth

    2. Well, it'd be nice XD

  6. Hello, I don't know if you remember or not, but you visited my town TBC a long time ago and I wanted to ask you to please change the dream address in the post to 5300-4467-8951. The dream address changed when I moved.

  7. Hello, I don't know if you remember or not, but you visited my town TBC a long time ago and I wanted to ask you to please change the dream address in the post to 5300-4467-8951. The dream address changed when I moved.
